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Excerpt Chapter 12 “Defeating Our Hidden Enemy” from What Would Love Do?

The purpose of ‘What Would Love Do?’ is to give a perspective of seeing God’s love at work in our lives when nothing seems right, times are hard, and nothing makes sense. You are never out of God’s love no regardless of the circumstance, and through these 185 pages I pray you will gain an assurance deep within your soul that God’s got me, no matter what. 

Glenn E. Evans, Author

A Letter from our Author...

Often people are snared by the deceptive schemes of the enemy or our soul. That deception may cause their dreams to be deferred due to a lack of understanding about God’s love. This lack of understanding may hinder the process of our growth and cause much discouragement in our life daily. The truth is it only takes one little adjustment in how we see God’s love moment by moment in every situation to keep us moving forward. I know this because my bad decisions in life left me put out of a job, divorced, and without my children. I was homeless on the streets of Las Vegas for six months. I stole, ate out of garbage, slept on park benches and on grass. I wore the same clothes for weeks at a time and did not think I would ever have another chance at life. I was blessed to have a friend have mercy on me who took me in let me get cleaned up and gave me bus money back home to Greenwood Mississippi. 

Since that time, I’ve owned two houses in Mississippi and now I own a house in Tennessee, I am remarried, and my wife and I own a catering service called Evans’ Family Kitchen and Catering. We also have founded a non-profit organization called House of Healing Ministries. Now I am in my doctorate at Liberty University and I am an ordained pastor. All I can say is look at what God’s love has done. The book has 23 chapters comprised of 185 pages. It is a simple read with a profound meaning. The feedback has blown me away because I never thought that I could be used by God in such a way that people would get so much out of the book. In truth I was writing this as a letter to another me to tell him what this version of me has learned about the love of God. This letter is to encourage him that no matter where he is in life God’s love can rescue him. That when we do not know what to do, and when we are not certain of life’s meaning that God’s love is right there working even when we cannot sense it. A lot of our not knowing what to do is a part of the process of learning what to do through God’s love working in our weakness.

“We face an everyday, lifelong struggle to align our hearts, mind, souls, and strength with every word God has spoken concerning us. We have an agenda to defeat the enemy inside of us which is holding us down, when we know that we should be up; the enemy that pushes our minds into thinking about what would have been, should have been, and could have been, instead of what is and what will be. This enemy steals our courage to change tomorrow and puts many of our todays at a standstill…...This enemy does not throw one blow but is deadlier than all other enemies. That’s right—he will draw the life right out of the living, who then are walking around dead, just like I was, without knowing it. When we do not live out the purpose of life given by God it is very possible that we are dead, never mind the fact that my body is functioning every day, if the life inside the body is empty and void of action in the Holy Spirit…..This enemy can and will hold up our purpose, if we are not careful to see him as something to be defeated instead of something to be feared”. 

Excerpt Chapter 12 “Defeating Our Hidden Enemy” from What Would Love Do?

The purpose of ‘What Would Love Do?’ is to give a perspective of seeing God’s love at work in our lives when nothing seems right, times are hard, and nothing makes sense. You are never out of God’s love no regardless of the circumstance, and through these 185 pages I pray you will gain an assurance deep within your soul that God’s got me, no matter what.   

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